Friday, July 17, 2009


Christianity, basis, what the individual is doing RIGHT and what the individual is doing WRONG. Mainly focuses on what the individual is doing wrong. Such is the main belief also of American military services. Christians focus on the actions of the individual in comparison to the specific actions god wants them to do. Which is why most American people are so, to say the least, judgemental. They focus on what people around them are doing rather than what he or she is doing personally because he or she feels that it is a service to the Christian god, yet this is a contradiction to the religion itself, seeing as how the bible states one should not judge another. The only way to decipher what and individual is doing right or wrong is to judge him or her. This makes no sense. Also in saying that the world started out with Adam and Eve leads me to believe the world is created in incest, which is a very ridiculed idea, by Christians especially, seeing on how the entire religion is based on judgement. What is more so is that the bible is a very vague book. This leaves space for the reader to think, create his or own ideas using this GUIDE LINE, not rule book, on how to live life. Preachers, spare the public your personal politics gathered in your readings. And those that live by the word of the preacher, what he or she says is not the word of god, it is a person speaking out his or her point of view in what the bible says to him or her. With the bible being written so vague, it leaves room for thought (the purpose of good art, yes literature is art, is to inspire thought) don't take it so literally. The purpose of a religion is to enlighten and individual in a spiritual sense, not to give one person more power over another. A person whom intakes true wisdom should know this. And wisdom of life is through living life in a variety of ways. Not just one.

Buddhism and Hinduism seem to be more focused on the basis of universal knowledge of life and how harmony in the world, as well as the universe, work. In return for such knowledge to a certain extreme, the individual is able to obtain nirvana, the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states of mind, freedom, simply put. This provides a sense of enlightment of amazing proportion. These two religions are highly ridiculed by many, but those who ridicule such religion with such a basis deserve pity, for no one should miss out on universal knowledge and nirvana. (not to be confused with heaven which is something entirely different, more a state of mind that varies from person to person) These two religions do have some hard to believe concepts, such as buddha communicating with inanimatble objects and some very odd looking hindu gods, but the true potential of the human concious has never been tapped fully, as in referance to a god like status, and by the theory of evolution there is no telling what humans of acient time could have looked like, especially god like beings (fossils are limited too, keep in mind, so bones or what not may not be on this earth to access of these gods, plus information released to the public is limited in a world where captilism and currency rules). These religions create a culutral difference in the sense of its people are more humble and understanding in life, and more of a work ethic in the field of study.

The points that are brought up in this "blog" are only few of many, and the purpose is only a simple comparsion. If this were an in depth debate or anything more than a ten minute read, it would be a book. So please spare me your criticism. But concerns are always open, and before any such comments are made look up the definition of criticism and the definition of concern.

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